Thursday, March 28, 2013

Clinic Update

During our time in Santa Cruz we were able to reflect on the 3 days spent in Palacios at CMHP; the surveys and diabetes education we conducted revealed that many patients both with and without diabetes lack the basic knowledge to help manage or prevent the condition. Ashley, Brooke, and I, therefore, decided to create a presentation for patients to teach healthy eating, exercise, and give an overview of what diabetes is, including causes and symptoms. Yesterday (Wednesday) we gave the presentation to a full crowd and ended with a bang by distributing a healthy version of "Sopa de Mani," a peanut vegetable soup, that we cooked ourselves with ingredients selected at the market in Buena Vista. Buena Vista, or "Good View," was not named arbitrarily; the view from a local hotel speaks for itself (see pictures below).

After conducting our presentation we continued educating patients how to take medications with patients and offered general advice. A soccer game afterward helped release some of the bundled energy from sitting much of the day. A tour later in the afternoon also revealed that on clinic grounds there are coffee, papaya, guineo (banana-like), and zucchini-like squash plants that are harvested. In fact, Don Pepe prepared some coffee this morning (Thursday) after roasting some beans from the clinic last night; it was delicious.

Today (Thursday) was our last day at the clinic and we got an early start. After an insanity workout I was ready to tackle the day. Much to our surprise, however, there ended up not being many patients due to it being the Holy Week, or Semana Santa. Fortunately, we were able to fill most of the room and delivered our diabetes address, ending with the distribution of our delicious soup.

Having said our good-byes to the wonderful people at CMHP (Don Pepe, Doña Mumi, Ariana (their adorable grand-daughter), and others) we headed back to Santa Cruz for a relaxing evening before Ashley and Brooke head back to the states in the morning. WHAT?! Yep, they're leaving tomorrow morning, this trip went by way too fast.

More details about our experience are to come, but for now we are going to head back into town for one last visit of Santa Cruz.



(All pictures were taken with patient permission)
Buena Vista

Seeing patients

One of the beetles that may cause Chagas (at the clinic!)

Colin with Chagas teaching supplies

Marc with a patient in the clinic education room reviewing medications
Ashley and Marc with our patient

Buena Vista!

Eggs for our Dutch baby dinner (feathers attached-they were so fresh)

The team!

Unbelievable views

Bargaining for fruit

Buena Vista dinner with Kara, one of the coordinators for the clinic

Our favorite gecko friend

Sopa de Mani


Monday, March 25, 2013

Calling All Markets!

As Brooke, Marc, and I were tossing around ideas of what to do today, we had one thing in mind...a real Bolivian market. We found there were several markets that were in the city, and we decided to go to the Ramada Market which was filled with spices, meats, fresh fruits, vegetables, clothing, shoes, cleaning products, and so much more. It seemed like the market went forever.

Being at the market was very eye opening. Around every corner there was a new fruit, new vegetable, or a new spice that I have never seen or smelled. The smells were sometimes overwhelming, but there is definitely a distinct smell to the Bolivian food we have been eating the past few days. I wish we could bottle the smells we have smelled and bring them home to share.

I got to see Brooke and Marc in action while buying local products from sellers. They gave me great tips on finding the right price to pay for specific items. Some people may call it haggling, but I call it a compromise between the buyer and the seller. At the time, I was not ready to put myself out there and find a deal on my own, but I did have a chance later on during the day. I actually got something for 10 Bolivianos less then the asking price! I'd say that is an accomplishment. With that, I have been able to practice my Spanish more and feel more comfortable.

We leave for the clinic in the morning. Hoping we have a great rest of the week and accomplish our
goals! We may be without internet for the next few days, but we will post again as soon as we are able!

Buenas Noches!

Moth face

Carne de Soya con Quinoa dinner with Maté de Manzanilla 

"Ocupa bien tu tiempo" (Occupy your time well!)

Ashley in the market getting her bargaining on!

Market goods

Trying sugar cane for the first time

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A day of rest in Santa Cruz

Today we were fortunate to be able to spend some relaxation time at the volunteer house in Santa Cruz, which is beyond amazing. It's perfect to relax and has some awesome American comforts. I was completely not expecting any of this.

We had some frozen yogurt and found many stores to be closed, as it's Palm Sunday. In the plaza principal, or main town center, we saw almost everyone with a beautifully decorated palm walking into the church, where there was beautiful music playing and a choir singing.

We had some coffee and wandered into some markets to find many stands closed as well.

We will head into town tomorrow and get some real market time in before heading to Palacios again, where the clinic is, either tomorrow night or Tuesday morning.

We are all doing well and learning so much.

I personally am humbled by this amazing opportunity to just be with these culturally rich, kind people.

We may not be able to post much until Thursday or Friday due to internet coming and going, but know we are hard at work doing a presentation for the communities on Wednesday and then making a final product based on our survey findings that will help facilitate the clinic's already amazing contribution to the area in which it sits. 

We will keep you updated as internet allows :)


Cool street art

Nice sidewalk on our way home

Grabbed some cafe cortado

Market with only locals! 

In front of the popular church today

Selling lots of palm-related items

On the "micro" public transportation

Marc helping us find out way on public trans

Very busy church

Marc by street art in the volunteer house in Santa Cruz

Cute girl with her mom nearby selling chichi

Lots of palm souvenirs lining the streets

Pictures from the past few days :)

We arrived and worked and the clinic, enjoyed watching and playing a game of fútbol with the locals, and talked with many med residents/med students that are spending time here as part of their school electives for a short period of time and clinic coordinators who spend a year here between their third and fourth year of med school. Interviews have been going well and we feel like we are getting more of the hang of how the clinic works, our survey, and the need of clinic patients. We are excited to do a presentation on Wednesday to help educate the community and to make something lasting to facilitate and continue to help the clinic work to provide quality care to the surrounding communities.

                                                               Sloth in a town square!

Marc racing a moto

Nests in a tree with the moon behind it

NU residents with Don Pepe

Chicken that resembles Marc (according to Don Pepe)

A pair of owls we saw on our walk back to the clinic from Palacios!
Group shot getting ready for dinner

Centro Médico Humberto Parra!

Marc kicking some butt in soccer

Gorgeous iridescent butterfly

Trip to see the local herbs with Don Pepe! 

Ashley and Marc with the kids while we were taking a break from surveys

Another of the many beautiful butterflies!

I found one of my favorite fruits-tumbo!!

So thrilled....I almost bought 1,000 tumbos and passion fruits.

Traditional Bolivian dinner at Casa del Cambo

Couldn't help it. All of this was less than $50. The fruit was SUPER cheap. This slice of watermelon was about 4 Bolivianos, or about 50 cents. A whole ripe papaya-$1. 3 amazing, ripe avocados (palta)=$1.25. Wow.

Marc in the midst of some amazing "mini buffet" where they brought out a sampler of many traditional Bolivian items.

Clinic interviews & patient diabetes education (picture taken with patient permission)

Don Pepe and his rainforest tour

Taxi from Palacios to Santa Cruz for the weekend

Our awesome server at Casa del Cambo

                                                               The whole group!

Horses around Palacios

Only women watching a fútbol match in Palacios

Cutest kid ever.

Marc and Brooke hanging out at lunchtime

At the clinic!
Walking in the rainforest!